Final Preliminary Task: Conclusion



Overall I was really happy with the outcome of my preliminary and I believe I succeeded the criteria needed. All together I spent about 4 hours on this task not including research. I spent about 2 hours filming, this was due to filming outside and the weather not being co-operable. The rest of the time was spent in editing. 
This preliminary does include a lot of features I will use in my main film opening.

What went well: I think the camera quality was good and there was a variety of shots. I also believe the sound such as the music suited the momentum. I also cut out all sound except the dialogue and put sound effects on top such as the running, heart beat, door opening closing and the bleeping of the keypad thus emphasising the sound. I also edited short clips together to give the whole clip a fast-paced momentum.

Even better if: It would've been better if I dubbed over the dialogue as the original sound had some background noise, It wasn't a lot but it would've made the dialogue even clearer.

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