Final Preliminary Task: Linking To Main Task


I feel as if these preliminary tasks have helped me a lot when thinking about ideas for my main task.
Here are some things I learnt that I would like to include in my main task:

Camera angles/movement:
I learnt a lot about panning and being able to follow a character's movement (this took some practice to be in time with a character's movements but I feel as if I got the hang of it.) Including close-up shots was useful as it helped to build a story. Long shots appealed to me and are something I want to include in my main film as it gives the location of the scene. I also may want to include out-in focus shots where an unfocused part of a scene is focused to reveal a short depth of field.

Whilst making my preliminary I learnt how to position sound so it is in line with the sequence of the clips. I also learnt how to remove all sound and replace them with overdubs and still not lose any of the narrative. Researching into sound helped me identify the type of sound I would like to include in my main task, and what best suited my narrative.

Editing helped me develop the skills to shorten clips and adjust lengths to tie in with my narrative. I also experimented with taking a few shots twice so my editing process would be easier and would retake scenes in different places. I also learned how to be continuous within clips so my narrative makes sense.

I also experimented with lighting and decided filming in natural lighting would be best for my preliminary and main film. This also means that I want my location to be similar, somewhere in a field as I believe it creates enigma as the location isn't giving too much away of the story line. Whilst editing I also adjusted the lighting and made it brighter with a higher contrast and even tinted it to create a slight blue tone. This was something that was successful and I would like to include this in my main film.
Costume wise I decided to go with casual clothing that the stereotypical teenager wears, which was successful in creating my charecter. I would like to include this in my main film.
My actor being a male conforms to the sterotype in action thrilllers where there is an alpha male. This is something I want to implement in my final film.

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