Technical Codes in Film


Enigma Codes
Enigma codes pose questions to the audience which are then answered shortly after or later on in the film. For example, who is she? Where is she going? Why is she doing that? They're questions enabling the audience to get intrigued with the film and wanting to find out the answers to these questions, therefore watching more of it. Enigma codes entice the audience to watch the rest of the film as they're curious as to what will happen next; they also help to move on the narrative.

Action Codes
Action codes are significant events which move the narrative on in a particular direction. For example, a phone ringing or a knock at the door. Both actions are used to change the scene/narrative for specific reason but to also keep the narrative alive. They teach the audience new things, for example, something new about a character or possibly the plot itself. They give the audience needed information.

Semantic codes
Any element in a text that suggests an additional meaning by connnotatiobs. For example a skull has connotations of death.

Symbolic Code
Similiar to semantic code, but acts at a wider level where new meaning arises out of conflicting ideas

Cultural code
Any element in a narrative that is dependant on people's knowledge about how the world workd because of where they have lived.

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