Thriller Film Opening Analysis: Women In Black (Horror Thriller)


Camera Angles/Shots
In the beginning we see mostly close-up shots. Firstly we see a close-up of tea being poured and then a closeup of a doll being given tea. Following on from this is a close-up of another doll. Then we see a medium three shot of young girls. We then take from this that this scene is of young girls playing with dolls. We then see a close-up of one of the girls brushing a doll, and another close-up of a doll being tucked in. After this the camera shows a two shot of girls smiling and then a one shot of the other young girl smiling back. We then see an  as she looks down, revealing a closeup of her cup as she puts it down. Following this is a high tilted, wide, three shot of the room from a corner angle. The girls look directly at this camera - also making it a point of view shot of perhaps the antagonist and audience. Then we see a low angle three shot as the girls turn their heads from left to right to look at something. Which reveals a medium shot of a window which zooms in. After this, we see a medium three shot of the girls as they stand up - still staring at the window. We then see a closeup of a girl's dress lifting to reveal black boots. shoes as she stands up -  This is followed by a closeup of one of the girls' hands, loosly holding a cup which she then drops. There is another closeup of one the same girl's black shoes, the same time as the cup she dropped, smashes on the floor. We then see a close-up of all of the girls' shoes as they walk off. Then there is a closeup side shot of one of them smashing a cup with her foot followed by another closeup, this time shot at from behind the foot of a dolls head being smashed. We then see a medium three shot from the front of the girls walking toward the window, while the camera zooms out. Following this is a long shot of the girls stepping up to the window from behind, they then reach out towards the window. One of the girls then opens the window in a closup of a latch. The camera then goes back to the long shot from behind as we see them step up onto the window pane. From here we see them jump. After they jump, the camera zooms out. Followed by a zoomed out closeup of a dolls face. We then see a wide shot of the empty room. This then slowly zooms out to reveal the back of a women in a veil. We see many closeups in this scene as it started as quite an intimate scene of three girls playing with eachother, but the empty shots following from the jump created a sense of vacancy.

This scene doesn't have very complex editing and is at most continuity editing. This creates a sense of realism as the scene itself is quite innocent in the beginning, so the more real it seems - the more the audience is shocked. We do see a shot reverse shot of the girls as two of the girls smile at the other who also smiles back; this is to show intimacy and innocence of the girls. We see an eyeline match of a girl looking down as they set down their cups. And lastly we see a eyeline match of the girls looking to their left revealing the window.

In this scene, I believe that the music plays a big part in creating the frightening atmosphere.
In the beginning a soft eerie music begins. We can hear the clink sound as the teapot hits the rim of the teacup - this sound is also emphasised and is made to be louder than the music.Then after this, twinkling sounds and chimes are also added into the music - which makes it sounds almost like a childish nursery rhyme. Before the girls look directly into the camera, there is a slight pause before deeper sounds are added into the music as the girls look towards the camera. This music becomes less nursery rhyme like, and more darker. As the girls look left to right and the window is shown to us, low sounds of bells can be heard. We then hear the smashing of the teacups, and the sound of the toys being broken alongside the sound of the music. As they approach the window the music is dark and suspenseful. When they reach the window the music gets louder and faster, this climax of sound builds up to the moment they jump. We hear the sound of the latch being opened. When they stand on the window pane, the music stops and we hear an eerie sound of wind but as they jump there is a dramatic suspense sound for a few seconds to indicate something bad just happened. After this there is no sound, just the sound of wind and we hear the agonized mourning of a women. As she is screaming we are also shown a doll and it all goes quiet as the camera zooms out into a wide shot of the room. The sound in this scene starts off soft and innocent but is eventually manipulated to become dark and sinister, building suspense to the moment they jump.

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