Film Clip Analysis: Shaun Of The Dead


The first flim clip I analysed was a clip from Shaun Of The Dead, called 'The Plan.' 

Camera Angles/Shots
In the beginning we see only see the first protagonist and whilst he talks the camera zooms out into a two shot and we see who he is talking to. Then we see a zoom in closeup of Shaun as he comes up with an idea. When he begins to explain the idea, there is a whip pan from the scene revealing a car. We then see a closeup of the car door closing and the brakes being pressed. We then see a medium shot of them in the car and then a pan left following the car as it drives off. We then see a long shot zooming in on them walking towards a door followed by a extreme closeup of them pressing the door bell. Then there is a whip pan from the ceiling down to the living room. The camera zooms out of Phillip, and then zooms in from the back of Phillip's head as they are about to hit him. We then see them running away from the house and the camera zooms in on them. We then see a closeup of a sign before a medium shot of the car. Then there is a whip down and we see them running whilst the camera zooms out on them. Then there is a whip from left to right revealing Shaun drinking tea, which then also turns into a zoom in closeup. Lastly there is a whiplash from left to right again to reality. Throughout each different setting there is a whiplash revealing the next scene alongside fast camera movements.

The editing of this scene mostly consists of jump cuts between each scene. They are fast paced and short alongside the whiplash shots. There is no continuous editing, as it is humorous with no intention of reality. There is a cutway in the scene too when the other protagonist interrupts Shaun. There is also linear narrative as Shaun tells the story as well as parallel editing of each different scene stitched together.

The first sound we hear is dialogue between the actors. Shaun narrates each step whilst incidental action music plays. We hear a whoosh sound with each whiplash to make it seems less realistic.  The sounds of objects are also emphasised such as, the doorbell and the whipping of the bat as well as the sound of Phillip being hit.


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