Pre-Production Planning: Sub Genre of Action


After researching between three types of Thriller; Horror, Psychological and Action, I decided to go with Action Thriller. I chose this type of genre as I really liked the idea of creating something that is upbeat and full of adrenaline.  This genre usually focuses on a narrative based around some action or a dilemma. Some examples of action are:

  • Robbery
  • Murder
  • Car Chases
  • Fighting

Action Thrillers are action packed which keep you on edge and the aim of these are to keep you entertained with the continuous action.

Some examples of Action Thriller Films:

  • The Dark Knight Rises
  • The Bourne Identity
  • Casino Royale
  • Taken
  • Seven
Image result for seven movieImage result for the dark knightImage result for bourne identityImage result for casino royale 2006Image result for taken

All these movies are part of the genre Action Thriller, as the thrill created for the audience is produced by the action created in the plot, narrative, editing ect.

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