Film Clip Analysis: Toy Story 3


The next clip I analysed was from Toy Story 3 called 'Meet Ken.'

(first 60 seconds of the clip)

Camera Angles/Shots
First there is a long shot of all the characters together, leading to a long shot of Woody. From Woody, the camera pans left to reveal Lotso and becomes a two shot. We then see a long shot of Lotso. After this there is a long shot of Lotso, that cranes up. Following this is a over shoulder shot in front of Lotso which reveals Ken's house. The camera then pans left as Ken moves and cranes down as he makes his way down. Then there is a closeup of the ground where Ken stands which cranes upwards to his upper torso. After this we see a point of view shot from the toys, followed by a medium two shot of Lotso and Woody. The camera then reveals a close up of Ken's face and then we see a contrazoom on Barbie's face and then we see a zoom in to Ken's face followed by a long shot zoom as they approach each other. This then becomes a closeup two shot. After this, there is a long three shot of Barbie, Ken and Lotso. Then as all the character walk off, the camera pans slowly to the right revealing Woody.
Most editing in this clip is continuity editing, because it is quite a innocent scene. However before Ken sees Barbie, he turns his head in her direction which then reveals a Barbie looking back at Ken which is an eyeline match. The editing is then in slow motion and we see their slow response to eachother even as they approach eachother. As soon as they reach eachother is no longer in slow motion, and the editing is back to normal. Then as they flirt with eachother there is a cutaway as Lotso interrupts the moment. Then the scene continues flowing as before.
As we are introduced to this clip, already playing music fades and we hear the dialogue of the charecters. We also hear the sound of their movements as they jump up and down. There is twinkling to be heard faintly but the dialogue of the charecters holds dominance over this. As soon as we see Ken, a happy upbeat track plays.  As Ken opens the window, we hear a creak. Then we hear his footsteps as he approaches the lift and the sound of the lift going down. There is also a thud as it hits the ground following by a creaking as the door of the lift opens. These noises are not usually heard in real lifts, and this emphasises the fact that he lives in a house made of plastic and it is indeed a toy. The music continues playing as Ken speaks, however stops as soon as he sees Barbie and a different - more romantic song plays. This continues as they approach eachother but when they speak it gets quieter. A record scratch interrupts the music, this is commonly used as an interruption to an event and all music stops playing. As they walk off, twinkling music restarts.

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