Pre-Production Planning: Conventions of an Action Thriller


Here are some common conventions of an action thriller:


  • Dominant alpha-male / alpha-female (although males are generally cast to play the main role ofan alpha in this genre) examples of this could be:  

  • Sylvester Stalone is famous for his acting in many action movies such as Rocky Balaoa
    • Strong physical strength/healthy physique, as action movies tend to involve a lot of strength from characters.
    • Female characters are usually protrayed as quite fragile and distressed often needing rescuing. This role of females in this genre does spark some controversy on the way women are stereotyped.
    • Another common role of female actors are used as almost objects, with women being portrayed as a possession - something to be bragged about like trophy wives. A typical convention of an Action Thriller is a story line of a guy winning the women in the end like a prize.


    • Plots in this genre usually follow a simple storyline of a dilemma occuring that causes a lot of distruption and the main characters way of overcoming this issue.
    • The way this character tries to overcome this dilemma provides a lot of action - perhaps a fight or a braul.
    • Action thrillers contain a lot a movement from characters- like them running or a car chase.
    • Typically in these movies you always have a protagonist and an antagonist - good vs evil or it can even be evil vs evil.

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