Pre-Production Planning- Research


I did some research into similar films with the genre Action Thriller and looked into other movies to see how they represent this genre through camera, editing, sound and mis-en-scene.

Genre (Action Thriller)
A good movie that represents my genre
If I stay

Camera Angles and Shots
The types of Camera angles and shots I hope to use are short clips stringed together. This is because they speed up momentum and create action. Also using a variety of shots such as slow pans, behind-the-shoulder, extreme-closeups, closeups, medium shots, long shots, extreme long shots, point-of-view shots, cut-aways and wide shots.
The camera angles I hope to use are eye-level, high angle, low angle, bird's eye.
I also want to include camera movement such as tilt, panning and dolly.

Examples of this can be found in this clip of Casino Royale:

In my editing I want to included shots of short duration edited together. I may include some cut-aways at still action to contrast different momentums. I would make the pace and rythmn fast paced and upbeat along with the sound. I will also include elements of montage. In transitions I want to include black cuts. I will use a lot of match on action too.

An example of this is here at 1:52


Lighting: In my research I came across many different types of lighting styles used in action films.

Here is an example of dark and slightly cooler lighting:
(John Wick House Shootout)

Here is an example of a dull-lit scene with slightly warmer lighting

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