Final Film opening
I assessed the film opening and I decided there were a few things that needed editing.
Here is what needs editing for my final film:
Here is what needs editing for my final film:
- re-record phonecall voice
- clean up sound edits near titles
- enhance a few voice-clips
First film opening draft
I completed all my filming on this day. All filming was done outside in Middleton Cheney, the weather was a lot more co-operative today, however it still was a little sunny due to it being in the middle of the afternoon.
Here I filmed the rest of my scene, and shot 10-22 of my storyboard.
Again I shot extra clips in case some were not as good quality or if I decided to alter the shots in my storyboard.
Here I filmed the rest of my scene, and shot 10-22 of my storyboard.
Again I shot extra clips in case some were not as good quality or if I decided to alter the shots in my storyboard.
Shot no
Canon EOS 500D
Hamastar Tripod
Phone |
On this day I had planned to get majority of my filming done, however the weather was not very co-operative as it was quite sunny and I needed it to be quite dull. I did film shots 10-22 anyway, to see if any of that could be manipulated using SFX but trialling that in iMovie I realised it could not be done as there was still so much sunlight intruding.
Therefore I decided to reschedule another day when the weather was more flexible to work around.
Therefore I decided to reschedule another day when the weather was more flexible to work around.
Shot no
Canon EOS 500D
Hamastar Tripod
Phone |
I decided to film part of my opening today. I filmed the shots 1-9 on my storyboard.
I also shot some extra clips of different variations just in case I wanted to include them in the editing process
For my second opening title I decided to use iMovie as I wanted to create a simple title, and I didn't need to use any advanced software as it would take too long.
I also combined both of the titles in iMovie and added some more text onto the previous title.
Then I added a simple title and named it 'California Film Association.' I made it really short as I wanted it to be quite thrilling. I then added a short gunshot sound to add to the thrill.
Then I downloaded a BBFC template and edited it on photoshop by adding text
After this I added it to the rest of the titles and added transitions from fade to black
For my opening titles I decided to use After Effects to create the graphics needed for the titles.
I decided to use After Effects rather than LiveType, because it has more variety and although it is harder to use, it was necessary for the type of graphics i wanted to make.
I followed this tutorial step-by-step, to achieve the end result. Overall it took me about two days, as it was a lengthy process.
Here are some screenshots of the process, it does not show every step of the process as majority of it are in the youtube tutorial but I thought it was necessary to include the part where I personalised it to my film opening.
First I made the gradient background of shades of grey:
Then I created the particle and glare effect:

Then I created a name for a production company. I decided to go with LiveTime, because It sounded like a professional and genuine production company:

Then I incorporated the particles into the text:
Then I combined the particle effect with the text and added a fade effect to the text so it appears only after the particles.
Then I searched on the internet for sound effects to combine my title with. All sounds used were from I made sure they were royalty free and there were no copyright issues:
Then I imported the sound clips:
After this I saved it as an MP4 through Adobe encoder.
Here is the final title:
I had never used After Effects before this, but it wasn't that difficult as I tried to follow every step of the tutorial. I did have to redo it a few times as I made mistakes but I finally got the hang of it the third time.
For my opening titles I want to include two opening titles. I am hoping to do one that is longer and is the main opening title at the beginning and I want to then do another short fast title following it. This is because I want to include one made professionally on Adobe After Effects using graphics and the shorter one using maybe photoshop and basic transition techniques on iMovie.
Softwares I may use:
I am using these two in comparison as I am hoping that even right before the opening has started the audience is thrilled by the two openings.
Title One Design Ideas
I'd like the first opening title to be something along the lines of geometric shapes flying and revealing the text. This idea inspired by a an opening title I saw whilst watching a movie.
Here are some design ideas I quite like and will base the design of the graphics on:

Softwares I may use:
I am using these two in comparison as I am hoping that even right before the opening has started the audience is thrilled by the two openings.
Title One Design Ideas
I'd like the first opening title to be something along the lines of geometric shapes flying and revealing the text. This idea inspired by a an opening title I saw whilst watching a movie.
Here are some design ideas I quite like and will base the design of the graphics on:
(Getty Images and Seth Nickorson Designs)
Title Two Design Ideas
I would like title two to be short and fast. I will make this title using simple transition techniques on iMovie as I want to keep it simple.
Here are some design ideas I want to include:
Shot no
Canon EOS 500D
Hamastar Tripod
Phone |
How to avoid it
Tripping over equipment such as tripod
Being cautious around a tripod, also not leaving tripod
Physical injuries due to running (i.e cramps or muscle
Actors to be in a good health and be cautious to take
breaks if need be.
Actors leaving and arriving safely
Make sure all actors get home and to locations safe,
create a meet-up point.
Icy conditions
Re-arrange filming days if it is unsafe to drive/ film
in icy conditions.
Equipment Damage
Make sure all equipment is looked after, put away what
you’re not using.
Cold Conditions
Make sure all members dress warmly, or re-arrange days.