For my opening titles I want to include two opening titles. I am hoping to do one that is longer and is the main opening title at the beginning and I want to then do another short fast title following it. This is because I want to include one made professionally on Adobe After Effects using graphics and the shorter one using maybe photoshop and basic transition techniques on iMovie.
Softwares I may use:
I am using these two in comparison as I am hoping that even right before the opening has started the audience is thrilled by the two openings.
Title One Design Ideas
I'd like the first opening title to be something along the lines of geometric shapes flying and revealing the text. This idea inspired by a an opening title I saw whilst watching a movie.
Here are some design ideas I quite like and will base the design of the graphics on:

Softwares I may use:
I am using these two in comparison as I am hoping that even right before the opening has started the audience is thrilled by the two openings.
Title One Design Ideas
I'd like the first opening title to be something along the lines of geometric shapes flying and revealing the text. This idea inspired by a an opening title I saw whilst watching a movie.
Here are some design ideas I quite like and will base the design of the graphics on:
(Getty Images and Seth Nickorson Designs)
Title Two Design Ideas
I would like title two to be short and fast. I will make this title using simple transition techniques on iMovie as I want to keep it simple.
Here are some design ideas I want to include: